Bog Myrtle – Myrica Gale: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Bay Leaf of Wild Plants

Bog Myrtle - Myrica Gale

Sweetgale AKA bog myrtle (myrica gale) is edible and medicinal, but it can induce an abortion. So excited moms-to-be will want to stick with enjoying its beauty and the beauty of the gorgeous moths who use it as a host plant. Sweetgale AKA bog myrtle (myrica gale) is common in central Ontario, in shores and …

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Wood Nettle – Laportea Canadensis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Nettliest of Wild Plants

Wood Nettle - Laportea Canadensis

Wood nettle (laportea canadensis) is the most common native nettle in Ontario, and like the introduced stinging nettle it’s edible and medicinal. In fact, wood nettle is considered to be the favoured of the two. Wood nettle (laportea canadensis) is common in open moist woods, low damp areas and wet swamps. I found a great …

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Docks – Rumex SPP.: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Yellow Root of Wild Plants

Docks – Rumex SPP.

In Chippewa, oza’widji’bik meaning “yellow root” refers to bitter dock (rumex obtusifolius), a nonnative here in Ontario. The nonnative yellow rooted docks, sour and bitter, have a long history of medicinal use. We have a couple dozen (native and nonnative) edible and medicinal docks. Last week’s sheep sorrel is a rumex too, but docks stand alone. …

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Swamp Milkweed – Asclepias Incarnata: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Hot Pink Milkweed of Wild Plants

Swamp Milkweed - Asclepias Incarnata

In Chippewa, bu’giso’win meaning “swimming“, swamp milkweed is not as edible and medicinal as its common relation. So we’re all the more talking about how much of an all-star this plant is for pollinator gardens and native landscaping. Swamp milkweed (asclepias incarnata) can be found in the margins of swamps, marshes and other low wet …

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Winterberry Holly – Ilex Verticillata: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Ornamental “Berry” of Wild Plants

Winterberry Holly - Ilex Verticillata

Winterberry holly is a stunning ornamental shrub, but not so edible and medicinal. However, we’re trying to be festive this December, so let’s bump this feature up in the spirit of winter holidays. This is a plant to consider mainly for its looks and for crafting reasons, like wreaths. Winterberry holly (ilex verticillata) is fairly …

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Joe-Pye Weed – Eupatorium Maculatum: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Bee Bed of Wild Plants

Joe-Pye Weed - Eupatorium Maculatum

In Chippewa, me’skwana’kuk bu’giso’win meaning swimming, Joe-Pye weed grows well along ponds, wetlands and streams, but any damp sunny area will do. It is one of the pollinator all-stars of edible and medicinal plants. Joe-Pye weed is common around Haliburton in low wet areas by ponds, marshes, streams, and even damp ditches. One spontaneously appeared by …

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