Eastern Redbud – Cercis Canadensis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Prettiest Understory Tree

Eastern Redbud - Cercis Canadensis

Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis) isn’t in the wilds of Haliburton, Ontario. There is one recorded on iNat in Dysart et al, but I can guarantee it was planted there. It’s only truly native to Pelee island as far as Ontario goes and according to Vascan the species is extirpated. A few hundred miles south and …

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Red-berried Elder – Sambucus Racemosa: Edible & Medicinal Uses of The Other Elderberry

Red-berried Elder – Sambucus Racemosa

Red elderberry or red-berried elder (Sambucus racemosa) is not as edible and medicinal or renown as its relative common elderberry is. But it wins in another area. It’s a wildlife favourite. As soon as the berries are ready, birds flock to this shrub and clear them out quickly. Its early blooms attract pollinators too. And …

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Heartleaf Foamflower – Tiarella Stolonifera: Medicinal Uses of One of Our Prettiest Native Groundcovers for Shade

Heartleaf Foamflower - Tiarella Stolonifera:

Heartleaf foamflower or foamflower (Tiarella stolonifera syn. cordifolia) is native to Ontario and found on leafy hummus in deciduous or mixed woods. The leaves resemble miterworts, making one of the folk names false miterwort. There’s not much to say about edibility and medicinal uses of this one, but it’s a wonderful shade tolerant perennial groundcover …

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Shinleaf – Pyrola Elliptica: Medicinal Uses of a Lesser Known Wintergreen

Shinleaf AKA white wintergreen (Pyrola elliptica) is overshadowed in foraging and herbal medicine by its relations wintergreen and to some extent its cousin pipsissewa. It’s not used by foragers that I know of, and it’s a weaker medicinal than American wintergreen. I might have waited to cover this one, except it’s so common in the …

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Eastern Leatherwood – Dirca Palustris: Medicinal & Alternative Uses of Rope Wood

In Chippewa, djibe’gub, meaning ghost or spirit, moosewood AKA Eastern leatherwood (Dirca palustris) has been bumped as a feature here before for more edible and medicinal plants. However, I love this shrub so much and want to talk about it! Have you noticed a mostly inconspicuous shrub in the understory of woods around Haliburton that …

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The Wood Folk Diaries: Volume 4 (Poisonous Plants), Chapter 3: Buttercup

The Wood Folk Diaries: Volume 4 (Poisonous Plants), Chapter 3: Buttercup

Dear Wood Folk, Buttercups are one of the first flowering plants I noticed when I moved to Haliburton County, Ontario. They have a reflective shininess to them that makes them pop. Buttercups are common in my yard, and common along the nearest trail. These mostly perennial plants show up in varied terrain. Some species are …

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