Wild Sarsaparilla – Aralia Nudicaulis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Rootbeer of Wild Plants

Wild Sarsaparilla - Aralia Nudicaulis

In Chippewa, wabos’odji’bik meaning “rabbit root”, wild sarsaparilla is a prized edible and medicinal herb. And not just for the rootbeer. (Though that’d be enough for me!) Wild sarsaparilla’s folk names include rabbit foot and wild licorice. In some of my herbal books, it’s called spikenard instead. But there are many plants called spikenard. And …

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Jewelweed – Impatiens Capensis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Snappiest Wild Plant

Jewelweed - Impatiens Capensis

In Ojibwe, omakakiibag sometimes refers to Jewelweed, the snappiest edible and medicinal herb.  It’s handy to have around if you like clumsily rooting through wild plants like me, and end up grazing yourself with stinging nettle or worse – poison ivy. Jewelweed is so named because of the way the dew beads on it. Sometimes …

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