Common Blackberry – Rubus Allegheniensis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Cordial Bramble of Wild Plants

Common Blackberry - Rubus Allegheniensis

In Chippewa, oda’tagago’minaga’wunj, common blackberry is a cordial wild edible and medicinal bramble. It’s distinguishable from black raspberries by having a core instead of being hollow inside when harvested (second picture down this page). There are around 50 species of black and raspberries in North America and up here in the north, aren’t we lucky it’s …

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White Trillium – Trillium Grandiflorum: Edible & Medicinal Uses of Ontario’s Official Flower and Most Photogenic Wild Plant

White trillium - Trillium grandiflorum

In Chippewa, ini’niwin’dibige’gun, white trillium is Ontario’s official flower and the standard-bearer of spring. It’s also a traditional edible and mostly medicinal plant. However, it needs our protection. Also called birth root, a hint at its medicinal qualities. And wake-robin, due to being a spring herald. It heralds the black flies too, who I personally …

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White Pine – Pinus Strobus: Edible & Medicinal Uses of Ontario’s Tallest Wild Plant

White Pine - Pinus strobus

In Chippewa, jingwak’, white pine was the most towering of edible and medicinal plants here 200 yrs ago. Imagine forests of 200-ft tall, 4-ft wide powerful evergreen medicine. Like the now “trending” and controversial sage smudge, pine needles are said to clear negative energy when burned. “Smoke cleansing” is a more acceptable term for general …

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Red Oak – Quercus Rubra: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Bitter Acorn of Wild Plants

Red oak - Quercus rubra

In Chippewa, wi’sugi’mitigo’mic meaning “bitter oak”, red oak is an edible and medicinal tree we’re lucky to have even if just admiring it’s deep red foliage in the autumn. Carrying a piece of oak is said to bring good luck. And it’s a lucky tree to have around for many wild ones. It’s a long …

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Eastern White Cedar – Thuja Occidentalis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Tree of Life of Wild Plants

Eastern white cedar – Thuja occidentalis

In Anishinaabemowin, eastern white cedar is sometimes called giizhik, and also gi’jikan’dug meaning cedar-like, as it’s not a “true cedar”. This Tree of Life is both edible and medicinal. One of the alternative names for eastern white cedar is swamp cedar as it likes to grow in damp woods. Another name is Tree of Life, …

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Red Clover – Trifolium Pratense: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Honey of Wild Plants

Red clover - Trifolium pratense

In Ojibwe, nisoobag+oon ezhi-wadong+in, red clover is honeylicious and this edible and medicinal plant is not just for honey bees! My favorite folk name for red clover is honey/honey-stalks, but it isn’t just honey bees that like this honey. Mammals like the opossum, snowshoe hare, eastern chipmunk, raccoon, striped skunk, and white-tailed deer are buzzing …

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