The Wood Folk Diaries: Volume 4 (Poisonous Plants), Chapter 3: Buttercup

The Wood Folk Diaries: Volume 4 (Poisonous Plants), Chapter 3: Buttercup

Dear Wood Folk, Buttercups are one of the first flowering plants I noticed when I moved to Haliburton County, Ontario. They have a reflective shininess to them that makes them pop. Buttercups are common in my yard, and common along the nearest trail. These mostly perennial plants show up in varied terrain. Some species are …

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Knapweeds – Centaurea SPP.: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Cornflower of Wild Plants

Knapweeds - Centaurea SPP.

Most local knapweeds (Centaurea spp.) look similar to bull thistle or Canada thistle. However, you’re more likely to find your knapweed in patches instead of lone like bull thistles. Spotted knapweed (C. maculosa) is noted in Haliburton Flora on the edge of the highway, which is where I’ve seen it too. Another Centaurea is bachelor’s …

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Beggarticks – Bidens SPP.: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Burr Marigolds of Wild Plants

Beggarticks – Bidens SPP.

Beggarsticks (Bidens spp.) may look like flowers to choke on, but they are more edible and medicinal than they appear. We currently have around half a dozen species of beggarticks (Bidens spp.) in Haliburton county, Ontario. But the only one I’ve noticed is devil’s beggarticks (Bidens frondosa). It’s fairly common in waste areas, sand flats …

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Purple-flowered Raspberry – Rubus Odoratus: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Underrated Wild Raspberry

Purple-flowered Raspberry – Rubus Odoratus

Purple-flowered raspberry (Rubus odoratus) is common around Haliburton county, Ontario. You’ll typically find this edible and medicinal shrub on bushy roadside banks in sandy, gravelly and rocky ground. It’s a shrubby thornless raspberry that looks like a maple (due to the shape of its large leaves) and is sometimes called maple leaved raspberry. It also resembles a …

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Canadian Yew – Taxus Canadensis: Heartstopper of Not So Edible & Medicinal Wild Plants

Canadian Yew – Taxus Canadensis

Yew is an important shrub to know if you’re going to forage conifers. It’s trendy to make teas out of evergreens like spruce or cedar, but just a cupful of fresh yew leaves can actually kill you. While parts of yew have been used both for edible and medicinal purposes, most of the plant is …

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Carpet Bugle – Ajuga Reptans: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Blue Mint of Wild Plants

Carpet Bugle - Ajuga Reptans

The bright blue flowered carpet bugle (Auga reptans) is another nonnative, edible and medicinal mint that can be found around Ontario. Carpet bugle (Ajuga reptans) isn’t listed in Haliburton Flora. There are similar named plants: carpetweed, multiple bugleweeds, etc. It’s another nonnative mint that has since spread here. The first time I saw it, I …

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