Eastern Hemlock – Tsuga Canadensis: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Porcupine Tree of Wild Plants

Eastern Hemlock – Tsuga Canadensis

A favourite of porcupines, hemlock is a tree that’s beneficial to countless wildlife. It also has many edible, medicinal and craft uses. Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) can be found in moist hardwood forests. I know people hereabouts with a mature hemlock forest for a backyard. On the 100 acre I frequent, I’ve had to go …

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Tamarack – Larix Laricina: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Sweet Gum of Wild Plants

Tamarack – Larix Laricina

Tamarack (Larix laricina) is common in low, damp areas, treed bogs (especially fens) and shore banks. If you’ve read about other trees here on the Song of the Woods blog and you’re expecting a lot, you won’t be disappointed. When I moved up north I was surprised to see an “evergreen” (it’s not an evergreen) …

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White Pine – Pinus Strobus: Edible & Medicinal Uses of Ontario’s Tallest Wild Plant

White Pine - Pinus Strobus

White pine (Pinus strobus) was the most towering of edible and medicinal plants here in Ontario 200 yrs ago. Imagine forests of 200-ft tall, 4-ft wide powerful evergreen medicine. This tree has so much life. It has the longest list of mammals and birds and insects allies that I have seen yet in my preparations …

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