Rose Twisted-stalk – Streptopus Lanceolatus: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Zigzagging Plant

Rose Twisted-stalk – Streptopus Lanceolatus

Rose twisted-stalk (Streptopus lanceolatus formerly S. roseus) is common around Haliburton county, Ontario. It prefers moist woods and partly shaded grassy banks. I tend to find it hiding in shady forest edges. It’s easy to miss the flowers, which hang underneath the leaves. But when you look close, its flowers are some of the prettiest …

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Largeflower Bellwort – Uvularia Grandiflora: Not-so Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Fairy Bells of Wild Plants

Largeflower Bellwort – Uvularia Grandiflora

Largeflower bellwort (uvularia grandiflora) is limited for human uses, but this is a wonderful plant for spring pollinators, so I had to bump it up the list. Large-flowered or largeflower bellwort (uvularia grandiflora) is common in deciduous woods on rich leafy hummus. I see it along trail sides in deciduous woods, and more and more …

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