False Bindweeds – Calystegia SPP.: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Morning Glories of Wild Plants

False Bindweeds – Calystegia SPP.

Most false bindweeds (calystegia spp.) you’ll find in Ontario are nonnative and not very edible or medicinal. However, some false bindweeds have been used for food around the world. False bindweeds (calystegia spp.) are very similar to related “true” bindweeds (convolvulus spp.) and are sometimes categorized with them and swamp dodder (cuscuta gronovii). But our …

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Yarrow – Achillea Millefolium: Edible & Medicinal Uses of the Woundwort of Wild Plants

Yarrow - Achillea millefolium

In Chippewa, a’djidamo’wano meaning ajidamoo (squirrel or red squirrel) and wano (tail), yarrow is a “wounderful” edible and medicinal herb. A yarrow salve for healing cuts and scrapes was my first ever herbal medicine maker’s recipe! Yarrow is another European import. It’s most descriptive folk name is woundwort. It’s not the only “woundwort”, so cheers …

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Common Burdock – Arctium Minus: An Edible & Medicinal Wild Plant That’ll Stick With You

Common burdock - Arctium minus

In Chippewa, wiisagibag meaning bitter leaf, also wiisagijiibik meaning bitter taproot and gi’ masan meaning big stickers. Common burdock is an edible and medicinal wild plant that will stick with you. It’s a favorite of mine! Burdock’s folk names are predominately along the lines of burr-this or that-burr, like burrseed for instance. Which is questionable …

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